mobyproject CVE Vulnerabilities & Metrics

Focus on mobyproject vulnerabilities and metrics.

Last updated: 08 Mar 2025, 23:25 UTC

About mobyproject Security Exposure

This page consolidates all known Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) associated with mobyproject. We track both calendar-based metrics (using fixed periods) and rolling metrics (using gliding windows) to give you a comprehensive view of security trends and risk evolution. Use these insights to assess risk and plan your patching strategy.

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Global CVE Overview

Total mobyproject CVEs: 22
Earliest CVE date: 04 Nov 2017, 17:29 UTC
Latest CVE date: 01 Feb 2024, 17:15 UTC

Latest CVE reference: CVE-2024-24557

Rolling Stats

30-day Count (Rolling): 0
365-day Count (Rolling): 0

Calendar-based Variation

Calendar-based Variation compares a fixed calendar period (e.g., this month versus the same month last year), while Rolling Growth Rate uses a continuous window (e.g., last 30 days versus the previous 30 days) to capture trends independent of calendar boundaries.

Variations & Growth

Month Variation (Calendar): 0%
Year Variation (Calendar): -100.0%

Month Growth Rate (30-day Rolling): 0.0%
Year Growth Rate (365-day Rolling): -100.0%

Monthly CVE Trends (current vs previous Year)

Annual CVE Trends (Last 20 Years)

Critical mobyproject CVEs (CVSS ≥ 9) Over 20 Years

CVSS Stats

Average CVSS: 1.48

Max CVSS: 5.0

Critical CVEs (≥9): 0

CVSS Range vs. Count

Range Count
0.0-3.9 15
4.0-6.9 7
7.0-8.9 0
9.0-10.0 0

CVSS Distribution Chart

Top 5 Highest CVSS mobyproject CVEs

These are the five CVEs with the highest CVSS scores for mobyproject, sorted by severity first and recency.

All CVEs for mobyproject

CVE-2024-24557 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 01 Feb 2024, 17:15 UTC

Moby is an open-source project created by Docker to enable software containerization. The classic builder cache system is prone to cache poisoning if the image is built FROM scratch. Also, changes to some instructions (most important being HEALTHCHECK and ONBUILD) would not cause a cache miss. An attacker with the knowledge of the Dockerfile someone is using could poison their cache by making them pull a specially crafted image that would be considered as a valid cache candidate for some build steps. 23.0+ users are only affected if they explicitly opted out of Buildkit (DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 environment variable) or are using the /build API endpoint. All users on versions older than 23.0 could be impacted. Image build API endpoint (/build) and ImageBuild function from is also affected as it the uses classic builder by default. Patches are included in 24.0.9 and 25.0.2 releases.

CVE-2024-23653 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 31 Jan 2024, 22:15 UTC

BuildKit is a toolkit for converting source code to build artifacts in an efficient, expressive and repeatable manner. In addition to running containers as build steps, BuildKit also provides APIs for running interactive containers based on built images. It was possible to use these APIs to ask BuildKit to run a container with elevated privileges. Normally, running such containers is only allowed if special `security.insecure` entitlement is enabled both by buildkitd configuration and allowed by the user initializing the build request. The issue has been fixed in v0.12.5 . Avoid using BuildKit frontends from untrusted sources.

CVE-2024-23652 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 31 Jan 2024, 22:15 UTC

BuildKit is a toolkit for converting source code to build artifacts in an efficient, expressive and repeatable manner. A malicious BuildKit frontend or Dockerfile using RUN --mount could trick the feature that removes empty files created for the mountpoints into removing a file outside the container, from the host system. The issue has been fixed in v0.12.5. Workarounds include avoiding using BuildKit frontends from an untrusted source or building an untrusted Dockerfile containing RUN --mount feature.

CVE-2024-23651 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 31 Jan 2024, 22:15 UTC

BuildKit is a toolkit for converting source code to build artifacts in an efficient, expressive and repeatable manner. Two malicious build steps running in parallel sharing the same cache mounts with subpaths could cause a race condition that can lead to files from the host system being accessible to the build container. The issue has been fixed in v0.12.5. Workarounds include, avoiding using BuildKit frontend from an untrusted source or building an untrusted Dockerfile containing cache mounts with --mount=type=cache,source=... options.

CVE-2024-23650 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 31 Jan 2024, 22:15 UTC

BuildKit is a toolkit for converting source code to build artifacts in an efficient, expressive and repeatable manner. A malicious BuildKit client or frontend could craft a request that could lead to BuildKit daemon crashing with a panic. The issue has been fixed in v0.12.5. As a workaround, avoid using BuildKit frontends from untrusted sources.

CVE-2023-28842 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 04 Apr 2023, 22:15 UTC

Moby) is an open source container framework developed by Docker Inc. that is distributed as Docker, Mirantis Container Runtime, and various other downstream projects/products. The Moby daemon component (`dockerd`), which is developed as moby/moby is commonly referred to as *Docker*. Swarm Mode, which is compiled in and delivered by default in `dockerd` and is thus present in most major Moby downstreams, is a simple, built-in container orchestrator that is implemented through a combination of SwarmKit and supporting network code. The `overlay` network driver is a core feature of Swarm Mode, providing isolated virtual LANs that allow communication between containers and services across the cluster. This driver is an implementation/user of VXLAN, which encapsulates link-layer (Ethernet) frames in UDP datagrams that tag the frame with the VXLAN metadata, including a VXLAN Network ID (VNI) that identifies the originating overlay network. In addition, the overlay network driver supports an optional, off-by-default encrypted mode, which is especially useful when VXLAN packets traverses an untrusted network between nodes. Encrypted overlay networks function by encapsulating the VXLAN datagrams through the use of the IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload protocol in Transport mode. By deploying IPSec encapsulation, encrypted overlay networks gain the additional properties of source authentication through cryptographic proof, data integrity through check-summing, and confidentiality through encryption. When setting an endpoint up on an encrypted overlay network, Moby installs three iptables (Linux kernel firewall) rules that enforce both incoming and outgoing IPSec. These rules rely on the `u32` iptables extension provided by the `xt_u32` kernel module to directly filter on a VXLAN packet's VNI field, so that IPSec guarantees can be enforced on encrypted overlay networks without interfering with other overlay networks or other users of VXLAN. The `overlay` driver dynamically and lazily defines the kernel configuration for the VXLAN network on each node as containers are attached and detached. Routes and encryption parameters are only defined for destination nodes that participate in the network. The iptables rules that prevent encrypted overlay networks from accepting unencrypted packets are not created until a peer is available with which to communicate. Encrypted overlay networks silently accept cleartext VXLAN datagrams that are tagged with the VNI of an encrypted overlay network. As a result, it is possible to inject arbitrary Ethernet frames into the encrypted overlay network by encapsulating them in VXLAN datagrams. The implications of this can be quite dire, and GHSA-vwm3-crmr-xfxw should be referenced for a deeper exploration. Patches are available in Moby releases 23.0.3, and 20.10.24. As Mirantis Container Runtime's 20.10 releases are numbered differently, users of that platform should update to 20.10.16. Some workarounds are available. In multi-node clusters, deploy a global ‘pause’ container for each encrypted overlay network, on every node. For a single-node cluster, do not use overlay networks of any sort. Bridge networks provide the same connectivity on a single node and have no multi-node features. The Swarm ingress feature is implemented using an overlay network, but can be disabled by publishing ports in `host` mode instead of `ingress` mode (allowing the use of an external load balancer), and removing the `ingress` network. If encrypted overlay networks are in exclusive use, block UDP port 4789 from traffic that has not been validated by IPSec.

CVE-2023-28841 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 04 Apr 2023, 22:15 UTC

Moby is an open source container framework developed by Docker Inc. that is distributed as Docker, Mirantis Container Runtime, and various other downstream projects/products. The Moby daemon component (`dockerd`), which is developed as moby/moby is commonly referred to as *Docker*. Swarm Mode, which is compiled in and delivered by default in `dockerd` and is thus present in most major Moby downstreams, is a simple, built-in container orchestrator that is implemented through a combination of SwarmKit and supporting network code. The `overlay` network driver is a core feature of Swarm Mode, providing isolated virtual LANs that allow communication between containers and services across the cluster. This driver is an implementation/user of VXLAN, which encapsulates link-layer (Ethernet) frames in UDP datagrams that tag the frame with the VXLAN metadata, including a VXLAN Network ID (VNI) that identifies the originating overlay network. In addition, the overlay network driver supports an optional, off-by-default encrypted mode, which is especially useful when VXLAN packets traverses an untrusted network between nodes. Encrypted overlay networks function by encapsulating the VXLAN datagrams through the use of the IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload protocol in Transport mode. By deploying IPSec encapsulation, encrypted overlay networks gain the additional properties of source authentication through cryptographic proof, data integrity through check-summing, and confidentiality through encryption. When setting an endpoint up on an encrypted overlay network, Moby installs three iptables (Linux kernel firewall) rules that enforce both incoming and outgoing IPSec. These rules rely on the `u32` iptables extension provided by the `xt_u32` kernel module to directly filter on a VXLAN packet's VNI field, so that IPSec guarantees can be enforced on encrypted overlay networks without interfering with other overlay networks or other users of VXLAN. An iptables rule designates outgoing VXLAN datagrams with a VNI that corresponds to an encrypted overlay network for IPsec encapsulation. Encrypted overlay networks on affected platforms silently transmit unencrypted data. As a result, `overlay` networks may appear to be functional, passing traffic as expected, but without any of the expected confidentiality or data integrity guarantees. It is possible for an attacker sitting in a trusted position on the network to read all of the application traffic that is moving across the overlay network, resulting in unexpected secrets or user data disclosure. Thus, because many database protocols, internal APIs, etc. are not protected by a second layer of encryption, a user may use Swarm encrypted overlay networks to provide confidentiality, which due to this vulnerability this is no longer guaranteed. Patches are available in Moby releases 23.0.3, and 20.10.24. As Mirantis Container Runtime's 20.10 releases are numbered differently, users of that platform should update to 20.10.16. Some workarounds are available. Close the VXLAN port (by default, UDP port 4789) to outgoing traffic at the Internet boundary in order to prevent unintentionally leaking unencrypted traffic over the Internet, and/or ensure that the `xt_u32` kernel module is available on all nodes of the Swarm cluster.

CVE-2023-28840 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 04 Apr 2023, 22:15 UTC

Moby is an open source container framework developed by Docker Inc. that is distributed as Docker, Mirantis Container Runtime, and various other downstream projects/products. The Moby daemon component (`dockerd`), which is developed as moby/moby, is commonly referred to as *Docker*. Swarm Mode, which is compiled in and delivered by default in dockerd and is thus present in most major Moby downstreams, is a simple, built-in container orchestrator that is implemented through a combination of SwarmKit and supporting network code. The overlay network driver is a core feature of Swarm Mode, providing isolated virtual LANs that allow communication between containers and services across the cluster. This driver is an implementation/user of VXLAN, which encapsulates link-layer (Ethernet) frames in UDP datagrams that tag the frame with a VXLAN Network ID (VNI) that identifies the originating overlay network. In addition, the overlay network driver supports an optional, off-by-default encrypted mode, which is especially useful when VXLAN packets traverses an untrusted network between nodes. Encrypted overlay networks function by encapsulating the VXLAN datagrams through the use of the IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload protocol in Transport mode. By deploying IPSec encapsulation, encrypted overlay networks gain the additional properties of source authentication through cryptographic proof, data integrity through check-summing, and confidentiality through encryption. When setting an endpoint up on an encrypted overlay network, Moby installs three iptables (Linux kernel firewall) rules that enforce both incoming and outgoing IPSec. These rules rely on the u32 iptables extension provided by the xt_u32 kernel module to directly filter on a VXLAN packet's VNI field, so that IPSec guarantees can be enforced on encrypted overlay networks without interfering with other overlay networks or other users of VXLAN. Two iptables rules serve to filter incoming VXLAN datagrams with a VNI that corresponds to an encrypted network and discards unencrypted datagrams. The rules are appended to the end of the INPUT filter chain, following any rules that have been previously set by the system administrator. Administrator-set rules take precedence over the rules Moby sets to discard unencrypted VXLAN datagrams, which can potentially admit unencrypted datagrams that should have been discarded. The injection of arbitrary Ethernet frames can enable a Denial of Service attack. A sophisticated attacker may be able to establish a UDP or TCP connection by way of the container’s outbound gateway that would otherwise be blocked by a stateful firewall, or carry out other escalations beyond simple injection by smuggling packets into the overlay network. Patches are available in Moby releases 23.0.3 and 20.10.24. As Mirantis Container Runtime's 20.10 releases are numbered differently, users of that platform should update to 20.10.16. Some workarounds are available. Close the VXLAN port (by default, UDP port 4789) to incoming traffic at the Internet boundary to prevent all VXLAN packet injection, and/or ensure that the `xt_u32` kernel module is available on all nodes of the Swarm cluster.

CVE-2023-26054 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 06 Mar 2023, 19:15 UTC

BuildKit is a toolkit for converting source code to build artifacts in an efficient, expressive and repeatable manner. In affected versions when the user sends a build request that contains a Git URL that contains credentials and the build creates a provenance attestation describing that build, these credentials could be visible from the provenance attestation. Git URL can be passed in two ways: 1) Invoking build directly from a URL with credentials. 2) If the client sends additional version control system (VCS) info hint parameters on builds from a local source. Usually, that would mean reading the origin URL from `.git/config` file. When a build is performed under specific conditions where credentials were passed to BuildKit they may be visible to everyone who has access to provenance attestation. Provenance attestations and VCS info hints were added in version v0.11.0. Previous versions are not vulnerable. In v0.10, when building directly from Git URL, the same URL could be visible in `BuildInfo` structure that is a predecessor of Provenance attestations. Previous versions are not vulnerable. This bug has been fixed in v0.11.4. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may disable VCS info hints by setting `BUILDX_GIT_INFO=0`. `buildctl` does not set VCS hints based on `.git` directory, and values would need to be passed manually with `--opt`.

CVE-2021-32847 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 20 Feb 2023, 17:15 UTC

HyperKit is a toolkit for embedding hypervisor capabilities in an application. In versions 0.20210107 and prior, a malicious guest can trigger a vulnerability in the host by abusing the disk driver that may lead to the disclosure of the host memory into the virtualized guest. This issue is fixed in commit cf60095a4d8c3cb2e182a14415467afd356e982f.

CVE-2021-32846 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 17 Feb 2023, 23:15 UTC

HyperKit is a toolkit for embedding hypervisor capabilities in an application. In versions 0.20210107, function `pci_vtsock_proc_tx` in `virtio-sock` can lead to to uninitialized memory use. In this situation, there is a check for the return value to be less or equal to `VTSOCK_MAXSEGS`, but that check is not sufficient because the function can return `-1` if it finds an error it cannot recover from. Moreover, the negative return value will be used by `iovec_pull` in a while condition that can further lead to more corruption because the function is not designed to handle a negative `iov_len`. This issue may lead to a guest crashing the host causing a denial of service and, under certain circumstance, memory corruption. This issue is fixed in commit af5eba2360a7351c08dfd9767d9be863a50ebaba.

CVE-2021-32845 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 17 Feb 2023, 23:15 UTC

HyperKit is a toolkit for embedding hypervisor capabilities in an application. In versions 0.20210107 and prior of HyperKit, the implementation of `qnotify` at `pci_vtrnd_notify` fails to check the return value of `vq_getchain`. This leads to `struct iovec iov;` being uninitialized and used to read memory in `len = (int) read(sc->vrsc_fd, iov.iov_base, iov.iov_len);` when an attacker is able to make `vq_getchain` fail. This issue may lead to a guest crashing the host causing a denial of service and, under certain circumstance, memory corruption. This issue is fixed in commit 41272a980197917df8e58ff90642d14dec8fe948.

CVE-2021-32844 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 17 Feb 2023, 23:15 UTC

HyperKit is a toolkit for embedding hypervisor capabilities in an application. In versions 0.20210107 and prior of HyperKit, ` vi_pci_write` has is a call to `vc_cfgwrite` that does not check for null which when called makes the host crash. This issue may lead to a guest crashing the host causing a denial of service. This issue is fixed in commit 451558fe8aaa8b24e02e34106e3bb9fe41d7ad13.

CVE-2021-32843 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 17 Feb 2023, 23:15 UTC

HyperKit is a toolkit for embedding hypervisor capabilities in an application. In versions 0.20210107 and prior of HyperKit, `virtio.c` has is a call to `vc_cfgread` that does not check for null which when called makes the host crash. This issue may lead to a guest crashing the host causing a denial of service. This issue is fixed in commit df0e46c7dbfd81a957d85e449ba41b52f6f7beb4.

CVE-2022-36109 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 09 Sep 2022, 18:15 UTC

Moby is an open-source project created by Docker to enable software containerization. A bug was found in Moby (Docker Engine) where supplementary groups are not set up properly. If an attacker has direct access to a container and manipulates their supplementary group access, they may be able to use supplementary group access to bypass primary group restrictions in some cases, potentially gaining access to sensitive information or gaining the ability to execute code in that container. This bug is fixed in Moby (Docker Engine) 20.10.18. Running containers should be stopped and restarted for the permissions to be fixed. For users unable to upgrade, this problem can be worked around by not using the `"USER $USERNAME"` Dockerfile instruction. Instead by calling `ENTRYPOINT ["su", "-", "user"]` the supplementary groups will be set up properly.

CVE-2022-27652 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 4.6 18 Apr 2022, 17:15 UTC

A flaw was found in cri-o, where containers were incorrectly started with non-empty default permissions. A vulnerability was found in Moby (Docker Engine) where containers started incorrectly with non-empty inheritable Linux process capabilities. This flaw allows an attacker with access to programs with inheritable file capabilities to elevate those capabilities to the permitted set when execve(2) runs.

CVE-2022-24769 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 4.6 24 Mar 2022, 20:15 UTC

Moby is an open-source project created by Docker to enable and accelerate software containerization. A bug was found in Moby (Docker Engine) prior to version 20.10.14 where containers were incorrectly started with non-empty inheritable Linux process capabilities, creating an atypical Linux environment and enabling programs with inheritable file capabilities to elevate those capabilities to the permitted set during `execve(2)`. Normally, when executable programs have specified permitted file capabilities, otherwise unprivileged users and processes can execute those programs and gain the specified file capabilities up to the bounding set. Due to this bug, containers which included executable programs with inheritable file capabilities allowed otherwise unprivileged users and processes to additionally gain these inheritable file capabilities up to the container's bounding set. Containers which use Linux users and groups to perform privilege separation inside the container are most directly impacted. This bug did not affect the container security sandbox as the inheritable set never contained more capabilities than were included in the container's bounding set. This bug has been fixed in Moby (Docker Engine) 20.10.14. Running containers should be stopped, deleted, and recreated for the inheritable capabilities to be reset. This fix changes Moby (Docker Engine) behavior such that containers are started with a more typical Linux environment. As a workaround, the entry point of a container can be modified to use a utility like `capsh(1)` to drop inheritable capabilities prior to the primary process starting.

CVE-2021-41091 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 4.6 04 Oct 2021, 21:15 UTC

Moby is an open-source project created by Docker to enable software containerization. A bug was found in Moby (Docker Engine) where the data directory (typically `/var/lib/docker`) contained subdirectories with insufficiently restricted permissions, allowing otherwise unprivileged Linux users to traverse directory contents and execute programs. When containers included executable programs with extended permission bits (such as `setuid`), unprivileged Linux users could discover and execute those programs. When the UID of an unprivileged Linux user on the host collided with the file owner or group inside a container, the unprivileged Linux user on the host could discover, read, and modify those files. This bug has been fixed in Moby (Docker Engine) 20.10.9. Users should update to this version as soon as possible. Running containers should be stopped and restarted for the permissions to be fixed. For users unable to upgrade limit access to the host to trusted users. Limit access to host volumes to trusted containers.

CVE-2021-41089 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 4.4 04 Oct 2021, 21:15 UTC

Moby is an open-source project created by Docker to enable software containerization. A bug was found in Moby (Docker Engine) where attempting to copy files using `docker cp` into a specially-crafted container can result in Unix file permission changes for existing files in the host’s filesystem, widening access to others. This bug does not directly allow files to be read, modified, or executed without an additional cooperating process. This bug has been fixed in Moby (Docker Engine) 20.10.9. Users should update to this version as soon as possible. Running containers do not need to be restarted.

CVE-2018-12608 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 5.0 10 Sep 2018, 17:29 UTC

An issue was discovered in Docker Moby before 17.06.0. The Docker engine validated a client TLS certificate using both the configured client CA root certificate and all system roots on non-Windows systems. This allowed a client with any domain validated certificate signed by a system-trusted root CA (as opposed to one signed by the configured CA root certificate) to authenticate.

CVE-2018-10892 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 5.0 06 Jul 2018, 16:29 UTC

The default OCI linux spec in oci/defaults{_linux}.go in Docker/Moby from 1.11 to current does not block /proc/acpi pathnames. The flaw allows an attacker to modify host's hardware like enabling/disabling bluetooth or turning up/down keyboard brightness.

CVE-2017-16539 mobyproject vulnerability CVSS: 4.3 04 Nov 2017, 17:29 UTC

The DefaultLinuxSpec function in oci/defaults.go in Docker Moby through 17.03.2-ce does not block /proc/scsi pathnames, which allows attackers to trigger data loss (when certain older Linux kernels are used) by leveraging Docker container access to write a "scsi remove-single-device" line to /proc/scsi/scsi, aka SCSI MICDROP.