Comprehensive CVE Database - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

Be the first to spot emerging vulnerabilities and strengthen your defense.

265.375 Total Vulnerabilities

Total CVEs detected worldwide to date.

3.681 New CVEs in the Last 30 Days

Tracking all new vulnerabilities.

19.476 CVE still in Awaiting Analysis Mode

Ongoing analysis for enhanced threat understanding.

Top 10 CVE Newest Entries - Real-Time Updates

Latest 10 CVE Modifications

    10 Most Recent Vulnerabilities Awaiting Analysis

      Monthly CVE Growth

      43.3 %

      Quarterly CVE Growth

      -9.0 %

      Annual CVE Growth

      33.9 %

      Average CVSS Score Over the Last 30 Days


      Number of Critical CVSS Scores (Above 9)
