CAPEC-519 Documentation Alteration to Cause Errors in System Design


CAPEC-519 Metadata

Likelihood of Attack


Typical Severity




An attacker with access to a manufacturer's documentation containing requirements allocation and software design processes maliciously alters the documentation in order to cause errors in system design. This allows the attacker to take advantage of a weakness in a deployed system of the manufacturer for malicious purposes.


Advanced knowledge of software capabilities of a manufacturer's product. Access to the manufacturer's documentation.

Potential Solutions / Mitigations

Digitize documents and cryptographically sign them to verify authenticity. Password protect documents and make them read-only for unauthorized users. Avoid emailing important documents and configurations. Ensure deleted files are actually deleted. Maintain multiple instances of the document across different privileged users for recovery and verification.

Related CAPECs

CAPEC ID Description
CAPEC-447 An adversary modifies the design of a technology, product, or component to acheive a negative impact once the system is deployed. In this type of attack, the goal of the adversary is to modify the design of the system, prior to development starting, in such a way that the negative impact can be leveraged when the system is later deployed. Design alteration attacks differ from development alteration attacks in that design alteration attacks take place prior to development and which then may or may not be developed by the adverary. Design alteration attacks include modifying system designs to degrade system performance, cause unexpected states or errors, and general design changes that may lead to additional vulnerabilities. These attacks generally require insider access to modify design documents, but they may also be spoofed via web communications. The product is then developed and delivered to the user where the negative impact can be leveraged at a later time.

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