hyperledger CVE Vulnerabilities & Metrics

Focus on hyperledger vulnerabilities and metrics.

Last updated: 08 Mar 2025, 23:25 UTC

About hyperledger Security Exposure

This page consolidates all known Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) associated with hyperledger. We track both calendar-based metrics (using fixed periods) and rolling metrics (using gliding windows) to give you a comprehensive view of security trends and risk evolution. Use these insights to assess risk and plan your patching strategy.

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Global CVE Overview

Total hyperledger CVEs: 10
Earliest CVE date: 01 Jun 2018, 19:29 UTC
Latest CVE date: 25 Aug 2024, 02:15 UTC

Latest CVE reference: CVE-2024-45244

Rolling Stats

30-day Count (Rolling): 0
365-day Count (Rolling): 1

Calendar-based Variation

Calendar-based Variation compares a fixed calendar period (e.g., this month versus the same month last year), while Rolling Growth Rate uses a continuous window (e.g., last 30 days versus the previous 30 days) to capture trends independent of calendar boundaries.

Variations & Growth

Month Variation (Calendar): 0%
Year Variation (Calendar): -80.0%

Month Growth Rate (30-day Rolling): 0.0%
Year Growth Rate (365-day Rolling): -80.0%

Monthly CVE Trends (current vs previous Year)

Annual CVE Trends (Last 20 Years)

Critical hyperledger CVEs (CVSS ≥ 9) Over 20 Years

CVSS Stats

Average CVSS: 1.0

Max CVSS: 5.0

Critical CVEs (≥9): 0

CVSS Range vs. Count

Range Count
0.0-3.9 8
4.0-6.9 2
7.0-8.9 0
9.0-10.0 0

CVSS Distribution Chart

Top 5 Highest CVSS hyperledger CVEs

These are the five CVEs with the highest CVSS scores for hyperledger, sorted by severity first and recency.

All CVEs for hyperledger

CVE-2024-45244 hyperledger vulnerability CVSS: 0 25 Aug 2024, 02:15 UTC

Hyperledger Fabric through 2.5.9 does not verify that a request has a timestamp within the expected time window.

CVE-2024-22192 hyperledger vulnerability CVSS: 0 16 Jan 2024, 22:15 UTC

Ursa is a cryptographic library for use with blockchains. The revocation scheme that is part of the Ursa CL-Signatures implementations has a flaw that could impact the privacy guarantees defined by the AnonCreds verifiable credential model. Notably, a malicious verifier may be able to generate a unique identifier for a holder providing a verifiable presentation that includes a Non-Revocation proof. The impact of the flaw is that a malicious verifier may be able to determine a unique identifier for a holder presenting a Non-Revocation proof. Ursa has moved to end-of-life status and no fix is expected.

CVE-2024-21670 hyperledger vulnerability CVSS: 0 16 Jan 2024, 22:15 UTC

Ursa is a cryptographic library for use with blockchains. The revocation schema that is part of the Ursa CL-Signatures implementations has a flaw that could impact the privacy guarantees defined by the AnonCreds verifiable credential model, allowing a malicious holder of a revoked credential to generate a valid Non-Revocation Proof for that credential as part of an AnonCreds presentation. A verifier may verify a credential from a holder as being "not revoked" when in fact, the holder's credential has been revoked. Ursa has moved to end-of-life status and no fix is expected.

CVE-2022-31021 hyperledger vulnerability CVSS: 0 16 Jan 2024, 22:15 UTC

Ursa is a cryptographic library for use with blockchains. A weakness in the Hyperledger AnonCreds specification that is not mitigated in the Ursa and AnonCreds implementations is that the Issuer does not publish a key correctness proof demonstrating that a generated private key is sufficient to meet the unlinkability guarantees of AnonCreds. The Ursa and AnonCreds CL-Signatures implementations always generate a sufficient private key. A malicious issuer could in theory create a custom CL Signature implementation (derived from the Ursa or AnonCreds CL-Signatures implementations) that uses weakened private keys such that presentations from holders could be shared by verifiers to the issuer who could determine the holder to which the credential was issued. This vulnerability could impact holders of AnonCreds credentials implemented using the CL-signature scheme in the Ursa and AnonCreds implementations of CL Signatures. The ursa project has has moved to end-of-life status and no fix is expected.

CVE-2024-21669 hyperledger vulnerability CVSS: 0 11 Jan 2024, 06:15 UTC

Hyperledger Aries Cloud Agent Python (ACA-Py) is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments. When verifying W3C Format Verifiable Credentials using JSON-LD with Linked Data Proofs (LDP-VCs), the result of verifying the presentation `document.proof` was not factored into the final `verified` value (`true`/`false`) on the presentation record. The flaw enables holders of W3C Format Verifiable Credentials using JSON-LD with Linked Data Proofs (LDPs) to present incorrectly constructed proofs, and allows malicious verifiers to save and replay a presentation from such holders as their own. This vulnerability has been present since version 0.7.0 and fixed in version 0.10.5.

CVE-2023-46132 hyperledger vulnerability CVSS: 0 14 Nov 2023, 21:15 UTC

Hyperledger Fabric is an open source permissioned distributed ledger framework. Combining two molecules to one another, called "cross-linking" results in a molecule with a chemical formula that is composed of all atoms of the original two molecules. In Fabric, one can take a block of transactions and cross-link the transactions in a way that alters the way the peers parse the transactions. If a first peer receives a block B and a second peer receives a block identical to B but with the transactions being cross-linked, the second peer will parse transactions in a different way and thus its world state will deviate from the first peer. Orderers or peers cannot detect that a block has its transactions cross-linked, because there is a vulnerability in the way Fabric hashes the transactions of blocks. It simply and naively concatenates them, which is insecure and lets an adversary craft a "cross-linked block" (block with cross-linked transactions) which alters the way peers process transactions. For example, it is possible to select a transaction and manipulate a peer to completely avoid processing it, without changing the computed hash of the block. Additional validations have been added in v2.2.14 and v2.5.5 to detect potential cross-linking issues before processing blocks. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

CVE-2022-45196 hyperledger vulnerability CVSS: 0 12 Nov 2022, 20:15 UTC

Hyperledger Fabric 2.3 allows attackers to cause a denial of service (orderer crash) by repeatedly sending a crafted channel tx with the same Channel name. NOTE: the official Fabric with Raft prevents exploitation via a locking mechanism and a check for names that already exist.

CVE-2022-36023 hyperledger vulnerability CVSS: 0 18 Aug 2022, 16:15 UTC

Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. If a gateway client application sends a malformed request to a gateway peer it may crash the peer node. Version 2.4.6 checks for the malformed gateway request and returns an error to the gateway client. There are no known workarounds, users must upgrade to version 2.4.6.

CVE-2022-31121 hyperledger vulnerability CVSS: 5.0 07 Jul 2022, 18:15 UTC

Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned distributed ledger framework. In affected versions if a consensus client sends a malformed consensus request to an orderer it may crash the orderer node. A fix has been added in commit 0f1835949 which checks for missing consensus messages and returns an error to the consensus client should the message be missing. Users are advised to upgrade to versions 2.2.7 or v2.4.5. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

CVE-2018-3756 hyperledger vulnerability CVSS: 5.0 01 Jun 2018, 19:29 UTC

Hyperledger Iroha versions v1.0_beta and v1.0.0_beta-1 are vulnerable to transaction and block signature verification bypass in the transaction and block validator allowing a single node to sign a transaction and/or block multiple times, each with a random nonce, and have other validating nodes accept them as separate valid signatures.