autolabproject CVE Vulnerabilities & Metrics

Focus on autolabproject vulnerabilities and metrics.

Last updated: 08 Mar 2025, 23:25 UTC

About autolabproject Security Exposure

This page consolidates all known Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) associated with autolabproject. We track both calendar-based metrics (using fixed periods) and rolling metrics (using gliding windows) to give you a comprehensive view of security trends and risk evolution. Use these insights to assess risk and plan your patching strategy.

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Global CVE Overview

Total autolabproject CVEs: 9
Earliest CVE date: 11 Apr 2022, 07:15 UTC
Latest CVE date: 18 Nov 2024, 21:15 UTC

Latest CVE reference: CVE-2024-52585

Rolling Stats

30-day Count (Rolling): 0
365-day Count (Rolling): 3

Calendar-based Variation

Calendar-based Variation compares a fixed calendar period (e.g., this month versus the same month last year), while Rolling Growth Rate uses a continuous window (e.g., last 30 days versus the previous 30 days) to capture trends independent of calendar boundaries.

Variations & Growth

Month Variation (Calendar): 0%
Year Variation (Calendar): 0.0%

Month Growth Rate (30-day Rolling): 0.0%
Year Growth Rate (365-day Rolling): 0.0%

Monthly CVE Trends (current vs previous Year)

Annual CVE Trends (Last 20 Years)

Critical autolabproject CVEs (CVSS ≥ 9) Over 20 Years

CVSS Stats

Average CVSS: 0.39

Max CVSS: 3.5

Critical CVEs (≥9): 0

CVSS Range vs. Count

Range Count
0.0-3.9 9
4.0-6.9 0
7.0-8.9 0
9.0-10.0 0

CVSS Distribution Chart

Top 5 Highest CVSS autolabproject CVEs

These are the five CVEs with the highest CVSS scores for autolabproject, sorted by severity first and recency.

All CVEs for autolabproject

CVE-2024-52585 autolabproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 18 Nov 2024, 21:15 UTC

Autolab is a course management service that enables auto-graded programming assignments. There is an HTML injection vulnerability in version 3.0.1 that can affect instructors and CAs on the grade submissions page. The issue is patched in version 3.0.2. One may apply the patch manually by editing line 589 on `gradesheet.js.erb` to take in feedback as text rather than html.

CVE-2024-52584 autolabproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 18 Nov 2024, 21:15 UTC

Autolab is a course management service that enables auto-graded programming assignments. There is a vulnerability in version 3.0.1 where CAs can view or edit the grade for any submission ID, even if they are not a CA for the class that has the submission. The endpoints only check that the CAs have the authorization level of a CA in the class in the endpoint, which is not necessarily the class the submission is attached to. Version 3.0.2 contains a patch. No known workarounds are available.

CVE-2024-49376 autolabproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 25 Oct 2024, 13:15 UTC

Autolab, a course management service that enables auto-graded programming assignments, has misconfigured reset password permissions in version 3.0.0. For email-based accounts, users with insufficient privileges could reset and theoretically access privileged users' accounts by resetting their passwords. This issue is fixed in version 3.0.1. No known workarounds exist.

CVE-2023-44395 autolabproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 22 Jan 2024, 15:15 UTC

Autolab is a course management service that enables instructors to offer autograded programming assignments to their students over the Web. Path traversal vulnerabilities were discovered in Autolab's assessment functionality in versions of Autolab prior to 2.12.0, whereby instructors can perform arbitrary file reads. Version 2.12.0 contains a patch. There are no feasible workarounds for this issue.

CVE-2023-32676 autolabproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 26 May 2023, 23:15 UTC

Autolab is a course management service that enables auto-graded programming assignments. A Tar slip vulnerability was found in the Install assessment functionality of Autolab. To exploit this vulnerability an authenticated attacker with instructor permissions needs to upload a specially crafted Tar file. Using the install assessment functionality an attacker can feed a Tar file that contain files with paths pointing outside of the target directory (e.g., `../../../../tmp/`). When the Install assessment form is submitted the files inside of the archives are expanded to the attacker-chosen locations. This issue has been addressed in version 2.11.0. Users are advised to upgrade.

CVE-2023-32317 autolabproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 26 May 2023, 23:15 UTC

Autolab is a course management service that enables auto-graded programming assignments. A Tar slip vulnerability was found in the MOSS cheat checker functionality of Autolab. To exploit this vulnerability an authenticated attacker with instructor permissions needs to upload a specially crafted Tar file. Both "Base File Tar" and "Additional file archive" can be fed with Tar files that contain paths outside their target directories (e.g., `../../../../tmp/`). When the MOSS cheat checker is started the files inside of the archives are expanded to the attacker-chosen locations. This issue may lead to arbitrary file write within the scope of the running process. This issue has been addressed in version 2.11.0. Users are advised to upgrade.

CVE-2022-41956 autolabproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 14 Jan 2023, 01:15 UTC

Autolab is a course management service, initially developed by a team of students at Carnegie Mellon University, that enables instructors to offer autograded programming assignments to their students over the Web. A file disclosure vulnerability was discovered in Autolab's remote handin feature, whereby users are able to hand-in assignments using paths outside their submission directory. Users can then view the submission to view the file's contents. The vulnerability has been patched in version 2.10.0. As a workaround, ensure that the field for the remote handin feature is empty (Edit Assessment > Advanced > Remote handin path), and that you are not running Autolab as `root` (or any user that has write access to `/`). Alternatively, disable the remote handin feature if it is unneeded by replacing the body of `local_submit` in `app/controllers/assessment/handin.rb` with `render(plain: "Feature disabled", status: :bad_request) && return`.

CVE-2022-41955 autolabproject vulnerability CVSS: 0 14 Jan 2023, 01:15 UTC

Autolab is a course management service, initially developed by a team of students at Carnegie Mellon University, that enables instructors to offer autograded programming assignments to their students over the Web. A remote code execution vulnerability was discovered in Autolab's MOSS functionality, whereby an instructor with access to the feature might be able to execute code on the server hosting Autolab. This vulnerability has been patched in version 2.10.0. As a workaround, disable the MOSS feature if it is unneeded by replacing the body of `run_moss` in `app/controllers/courses_controller.rb` with `render(plain: "Feature disabled", status: :bad_request) && return`.

CVE-2022-0936 autolabproject vulnerability CVSS: 3.5 11 Apr 2022, 07:15 UTC

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - Stored in GitHub repository autolab/autolab prior to 2.8.0.