Format string vulnerabilities in (1) _probuild, (2) _dbutil, (3) _mprosrv, (4) _mprshut, (5) _proapsv, (6) _progres, (7) _proutil, (8) _rfutil and (9)...
iptables-save in iptables before 1.2.4 records the "--reject-with icmp-host-prohibited" rule as "--reject-with tcp-reset," which causes iptables to ge...
iptables before 1.2.4 does not accurately convert rate limits that are specified on the command line, which could allow attackers or users to generate...
Vulnerability in Postfix SMTP server before 20010228-pl07, when configured to email the postmaster when SMTP errors cause the session to terminate, al...
Buffer overflow in mcedit in Midnight Commander 4.5.1 allows local users to cause a denial of service (segmentation fault) and possibly execute arbitr...
Acme Thttpd Secure Webserver before 2.22, with the chroot option enabled, allows remote attackers to view sensitive files under the document root (suc...
Acme mini_httpd before 1.16 allows remote attackers to view sensitive files under the document root (such as .htpasswd) via a GET request with a trail...
vi.recover in OpenBSD before 3.1 allows local users to remove arbitrary zero-byte files such as device nodes.
Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0 allows remote attackers to read and modify user cookies via Javascript, aka the "Second Cookie Handling Vulnerability."
Internet Explorer 5.5 allows remote attackers to bypass security restrictions via malformed URLs that contain dotless IP addresses, which causes Inter...
Multiple Cisco networking products allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service on the local network via a series of ARP packets sent to the ro...
Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Infopop Ultimate Bulletin Board (UBB) before 5.47e allows remote attackers to steal user cookies via an [IMG] ta...
Opera 6.0 and earlier allows remote attackers to access sensitive information such as cookies and links for other domains via Javascript that uses set...
Network Tools 0.2 for PHP-Nuke allows remote attackers to execute commands on the server via shell metacharacters in the $hostinput variable.
Directory traversal vulnerability in modules.php in Gallery before 1.2.3 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) in the inc...
Buffer overflows in gzip 1.3x, 1.2.4, and other versions might allow attackers to execute code via a long file name, possibly remotely if gzip is run ...
Hypermail allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands on a server supporting SSI via an attachment with a .shtml extension, which is archive...
The remote administration client for RhinoSoft Serv-U 3.0 sends the user password in plaintext even when S/KEY One-Time Password (OTP) authentication ...
Microsoft IIS 5.0 allows remote attackers to spoof web log entries via an HTTP request that includes hex-encoded newline or form-feed characters.
Linear key exchange process in High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) System allows remote attackers to access data as plaintext, avoid devi...
Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6 with the Q312461 (MS01-055) patch modifies the HTTP_USER_AGENT (UserAgent) information that indicates that the patch has b...
CITRIX Metaframe 1.8 logs the Client Address (IP address) that is provided by the client instead of obtaining it from the packet headers, which allows...
Buffer overflow in helpctr.exe program in Microsoft Help Center for Windows XP allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long hcp: URL.
Legato Networker before 6.1 allows remote attackers to bypass access restrictions and gain privileges on the Networker interface by spoofing the admin...
PHP-Nuke 5.1 stores user and administrator passwords in a base-64 encoded cookie, which could allow remote attackers to gain privileges by stealing or...
Linux kernel before 2.4.11pre3 in multiple Linux distributions allows local users to cause a denial of service (crash) by starting the core vmlinux ke...
Format string vulnerability in Berkeley parallel make (pmake) 2.1.33 and earlier allows a local user to gain root privileges via format specifiers in ...
Buffer overflow in Berkeley parallel make (pmake) 2.1.33 and earlier allows a local user to gain root privileges via a long check argument of a shell ...
Netscape 4.79 and earlier for MacOS allows an attacker with access to the browser to obtain passwords from form fields by printing the document into w...
Format string vulnerability in Network Solutions Rwhoisd and earlier, when using syslog, allows remote attackers to corrupt memory and possibl...
Jakarta Tomcat 4.0.1 allows remote attackers to reveal physical path information by requesting a long URL with a .JSP extension.
Vulnerabilities in CGI scripts in susehelp in SuSE 7.2 and 7.3 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands by not opening files securely.
Directory traversal vulnerability in ifx CGI program in Informix Web DataBlade allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) in t...
Cross-site scripting vulnerability in namazu.cgi for Namazu 2.0.7 and earlier allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary Javascript as other web use...
Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0 allows remote attackers to cause the File Download dialogue box to misrepresent the name of the file in the dialogue in ...
Internet Explorer 5.50.4134.0100 on Windows ME with "Prompt to allow cookies to be stored on your machine" enabled does not warn a user when a cookie ...
Format string vulnerability in auto nice daemon (AND) 1.0.4 and earlier allows a local user to possibly execute arbitrary code via a process name cont...
ndcgi.exe in Netdynamics 4.x through 5.x, and possibly earlier versions, allows remote attackers to steal session IDs and hijack user sessions by read...
Format string vulnerability in the permitted function of GNOME libgtop_daemon in libgtop 1.0.12 and earlier allows remote attackers to execute arbitra...
ip_print procedure in Tcpdump 3.4a allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via a packet with a zero length header, which causes an infini...
Buffer overflow in Celtech ExpressFS FTP server 2.x allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service, and possibly execute arbitrary commands, via...
Red Hat Stronghold 2.3 to 3.0 allows remote attackers to retrieve system information via an HTTP GET request to (1) stronghold-info or (2) stronghold-...
SSIFilter in Allaire JRun 3.1, 3.0 and 2.3.3 allows remote attackers to obtain source code for Java server pages (.jsp) and other files in the web roo...
Buffer overflow in the permitted function of GNOME gtop daemon (libgtop_daemon) in libgtop 1.0.13 and earlier may allow remote attackers to execute ar...
Cisco IOS Firewall Feature set, aka Context Based Access Control (CBAC) or Cisco Secure Integrated Software, for IOS 11.2P through 12.2T does not prop... allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a message containing shell metacharacters.
Directory traversal vulnerability in Cooolsoft PowerFTP Server 2.03 allows attackers to list or read arbitrary files and directories via a .. (dot dot...
Buffer overflow in Cooolsoft PowerFTP Server 2.03 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service and possibly execute arbitrary code via a long ...
Cooolsoft PowerFTP Server 2.03 allows remote attackers to list the contents of arbitrary drives via a ls (LIST) command that includes the drive letter...
Cooolsoft PowerFTP Server 2.03 allows remote attackers to obtain the physical path of the server root via the pwd command, which lists the full pathna...
Vulnerability in wu-ftpd 2.6.0, and possibly earlier versions, which is unrelated to the ftpglob bug described in CVE-2001-0550.
The default installation of Apache before 1.3.19 on Mandrake Linux 7.1 through 8.0 and Linux Corporate Server 1.0.1 allows remote attackers to list th...
dbsnmp in Oracle 8.1.6 and 8.1.7 uses the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to find and execute the dbsnmp program, which allows local users to execute...
wu-ftpd 2.6.1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a "~{" argument to commands such as CWD, which is not properly handled by the ...
Inetd in OpenServer 5.0.5 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a port scan, e.g. with nmap -PO.
Packaging error for expect 8.3.3 in Mandrake Linux 8.1 causes expect to search for its libraries in the /home/snailtalk directory before other directo...
Buffer overflow in Frox transparent FTP proxy 0.6.6 and earlier, with the local caching method selected, allows remote FTP servers to run arbitrary co... 1.31 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via shell metacharacters in the (1) recipient or (2) pgpuserid parameters.
Directory traversal vulnerability in AspUpload 2.1, in certain configurations, allows remote attackers to upload and read arbitrary files, and list ar...
Lotus Domino 5.08 and earlier allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a SunRPC NULL command to port 443.
Buffer overflow in dbsnmp in Oracle 8.0.6 through 9.0.1 allows local users to execute arbitrary code via a long ORACLE_HOME environment variable.