Buffer overflow in FreeBSD setlocale in the libc module allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long PATH_LOCALE environment variable.
The recover program in Solstice Backup allows local users to restore sensitive files.
The Remote Access Service invoke.cfm template in Allaire Spectra 1.0 allows users to bypass authentication via the bAuthenticated parameter.
The October 1998 version of the HP-UX aserver program allows local users to gain privileges by specifying an alternate PATH which aserver uses to find...
The June 1999 version of the HP-UX aserver program allows local users to gain privileges by specifying an alternate PATH which aserver uses to find th...
WebTV email client allows remote attackers to force the client to send email without the user's knowledge via HTML.
KDE K-Mail allows local users to gain privileges via a symlink attack in temporary user directories.
Buffer overflow in Netscape Enterprise Server and FastTrask Server allows remote attackers to gain privileges via a long HTTP GET request.
Buffer overflow in Internet Explorer 4.0 via EMBED tag.
Red Hat Linux screen program does not use Unix98 ptys, allowing local users to write to other terminals.
Buffer overflow in Winamp client allows remote attackers to execute commands via a long entry in a .pls file.
The Allaire Spectra Webtop allows authenticated users to access other Webtop sections by specifying explicit URLs.
The Allaire Spectra Configuration Wizard allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service by repeatedly resubmitting data collections for indexing...
Red Hat userhelper program in the usermode package allows local users to gain root access via PAM and a .. (dot dot) attack.
Microsoft Commercial Internet System (MCIS) IMAP server allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via a malformed IMAP request.
Cold Fusion CFCACHE tag places temporary cache files within the web document root, allowing remote attackers to obtain sensitive system information.
PHP3 with safe_mode enabled does not properly filter shell metacharacters from commands that are executed by popen, which could allow remote attackers...
The DTML implementation in the Z Object Publishing Environment (Zope) allows remote attackers to conduct unauthorized activities.
Hotmail does not properly filter JavaScript code from a user's mailbox, which allows a remote attacker to execute code via the LOWSRC or DYNRC paramet...
IMail IMONITOR status.cgi CGI script allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service with many calls to status.cgi.
Network HotSync program in Handspring Visor does not have authentication, which allows remote attackers to retrieve email and files.
Macros in War FTP 1.70 and 1.67b2 allow local or remote attackers to read arbitrary files or execute commands.
Buffer overflow in Solaris chkperm command allows local users to gain root access via a long -n option.
CuteFTP uses weak encryption to store password information in its tree.dat file.
Internet Explorer 5 does not modify the security zone for a document that is being loaded into a window until after the document has been loaded, whic...
The line printer daemon (lpd) in the lpr package in multiple Linux operating systems allows local users to gain root privileges by causing sendmail to...
The line printer daemon (lpd) in the lpr package in multiple Linux operating systems authenticates by comparing the reverse-resolved hostname of the l...
Buffer overflow in ICQ 99b client allows remote attackers to execute commands via a malformed URL within an ICQ message.
AIX techlibss allows local users to overwrite files via a symlink attack.
Hotmail does not properly filter JavaScript code from a user's mailbox, which allows a remote attacker to execute the code by using hexadecimal codes ...
MySQL allows local users to modify passwords for arbitrary MySQL users via the GRANT privilege.
CyberCash Merchant Connection Kit (MCK) allows local users to modify files via a symlink attack.
IIS 4.0 allows a remote attacker to obtain the real pathname of the document root by requesting non-existent files with .ida or .idq extensions.
PowerScripts PlusMail CGI program allows remote attackers to execute commands via a password file with improper permissions.
Netscape Navigator uses weak encryption for storing a user's Netscape mail password.
get_it program in Corel Linux Update allows local users to gain root access by specifying an alternate PATH for the cp program.
NtImpersonateClientOfPort local procedure call in Windows NT 4.0 allows local users to gain privileges, aka "Spoofed LPC Port Request."
Netscape Mail Notification (nsnotify) utility in Netscape Communicator uses IMAP without SSL, even if the user has set a preference for Communicator t...
WebSite Pro allows remote attackers to determine the real pathname of webdirectories via a malformed URL request.
Super Mail Transfer Package (SMTP), later called MsgCore, has a memory leak which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service by repeating mu...
cgiproc CGI script in Nortel Contivity HTTP server allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files by specifying the filename in a parameter to the sc...
cgiproc CGI script in Nortel Contivity HTTP server allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via a malformed URL that includes shell metach...
Buffer overflow in InetServ 3.0 allows remote attackers to execute commands via a long GET request.
Visual Casel (Vcasel) does not properly prevent users from executing files, which allows local users to use a relative pathname to specify an alternat...
VMWare 1.1.2 allows local users to cause a denial of service via a symlink attack.
HP VirtualVault with the PHSS_17692 patch allows unprivileged processes to bypass access restrictions via the Trusted Gateway Proxy (TGP).
The W3C CERN httpd HTTP server allows remote attackers to determine the real pathnames of some commands via a request for a nonexistent URL.
Netopia Timbuktu Pro sends user IDs and passwords in cleartext, which allows remote attackers to obtain them via sniffing.
Buffer overflow in UnixWare ppptalk command allows local users to gain privileges via a long prompt argument.
The BSD make program allows local users to modify files via a symlink attack when the -j option is being used.
A Windows NT system does not clear the system page file during shutdown, which might allow sensitive information to be recorded.
Buffer overflow in the conversion utilities for Japanese, Korean and Chinese Word 5 documents allows an attacker to execute commands, aka the "Malform...
Buffer overflow in vchkpw/vpopmail POP authentication package allows remote attackers to gain root privileges via a long username or password.
An installation of Red Hat uses DES password encryption with crypt() for the initial password, instead of md5.
IIS allows local users to cause a denial of service via invalid regular expressions in a Visual Basic script in an ASP page.
The PMTU discovery procedure used by HP-UX 10.30 and 11.00 for determining the optimum MTU generates large amounts of traffic in response to small pac...
Buffer overflow in qpopper 3.0 beta versions allows local users to gain privileges via a long LIST command.
The WebHits ISAPI filter in Microsoft Index Server allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files, aka the "Malformed Hit-Highlighting Argument" vuln...
Microsoft Index Server allows remote attackers to determine the real path for a web directory via a request to an Internet Data Query file that does n...
Sample Internet Data Query (IDQ) scripts in IIS 3 and 4 allow remote attackers to read files via a .. (dot dot) attack.
The SyGate Remote Management program does not properly restrict access to its administration service, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial ...
Buffer overflow in SCO scohelp program allows remote attackers to execute commands.
Buffer overflow in portmir for AIX 4.3.0 allows local users to corrupt lock files and gain root privileges via the echo_error routine.
The RightFax web client uses predictable session numbers, which allows remote attackers to hijack user sessions.
Firewall-1 does not properly filter script tags, which allows remote attackers to bypass the "Strip Script Tags" restriction by including an extra < i...
The siteUserMod.cgi program in Cobalt RaQ2 servers allows any Site Administrator to modify passwords for other users, site administrators, and possibl...
The mcsp Client Site Processor system (MultiCSP) in Standard and Poor's ComStock is installed with several accounts that have no passwords or easily g...
Microsoft Java Virtual Machine allows remote attackers to read files via the getSystemResourceAsStream function.