CAPEC-583 Disabling Network Hardware


CAPEC-583 Metadata

Likelihood of Attack


Typical Severity




In this attack pattern, an adversary physically disables networking hardware by powering it down or disconnecting critical equipment. Disabling or shutting off critical system resources prevents them from performing their service as intended, which can have direct and indirect consequences on other systems. This attack pattern is considerably less technical than the selective blocking used in most obstruction attacks.


The adversary requires physical access to the targeted communications equipment (networking devices, cables, etc.), which may be spread over a wide area.

Potential Solutions / Mitigations

Ensure rigorous physical defensive measures to keep the adversary from accessing critical systems..

Related CAPECs

CAPEC ID Description
CAPEC-582 An adversary disables the network route between two targets. The goal is to completely sever the communications channel between two entities. This is often the result of a major error or the use of an "Internet kill switch" by those in control of critical infrastructure. This attack pattern differs from most other obstruction patterns by targeting the route itself, as opposed to the data passed over the route.

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