CAPEC-569 Collect Data as Provided by Users


CAPEC-569 Metadata

Likelihood of Attack


Typical Severity




An attacker leverages a tool, device, or program to obtain specific information as provided by a user of the target system. This information is often needed by the attacker to launch a follow-on attack. This attack is different than Social Engineering as the adversary is not tricking or deceiving the user. Instead the adversary is putting a mechanism in place that captures the information that a user legitimately enters into a system. Deploying a keylogger, performing a UAC prompt, or wrapping the Windows default credential provider are all examples of such interactions.


No prerequisites listed.

Potential Solutions / Mitigations

No specific solutions listed.

Related CAPECs

CAPEC ID Description
CAPEC-116 An adversary actively probes the target in a manner that is designed to solicit information that could be leveraged for malicious purposes.

Taxonomy Mappings

Taxonomy: ATTACK

Entry ID Entry Name
1056 Input Capture

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