CAPEC-537 Infiltration of Hardware Development Environment


CAPEC-537 Metadata

Likelihood of Attack


Typical Severity




An adversary, leveraging the ability to manipulate components of primary support systems and tools within the development and production environments, inserts malicious software within the hardware and/or firmware development environment. The infiltration purpose is to alter developed hardware components in a system destined for deployment at the victim's organization, for the purpose of disruption or further compromise.


The victim must use email or removable media from systems running the IDE (or systems adjacent to the IDE systems). The victim must have a system running exploitable applications and/or a vulnerable configuration to allow for initial infiltration. The adversary must have working knowledge of some if not all of the components involved in the IDE system as well as the infrastructure.

Potential Solutions / Mitigations

Verify software downloads and updates to ensure they have not been modified be adversaries Leverage antivirus tools to detect known malware Do not download software from untrusted sources Educate designers, developers, engineers, etc. on social engineering attacks to avoid downloading malicious software via attacks such as phishing attacks

Related CAPECs

CAPEC ID Description
CAPEC-444 An adversary modifies a technology, product, or component during its development to acheive a negative impact once the system is deployed. The goal of the adversary is to modify the system in such a way that the negative impact can be leveraged when the system is later deployed. Development alteration attacks may include attacks that insert malicious logic into the system's software, modify or replace hardware components, and other attacks which negatively impact the system during development. These attacks generally require insider access to modify source code or to tamper with hardware components. The product is then delivered to the user where the negative impact can be leveraged at a later time.

Taxonomy Mappings

Taxonomy: ATTACK

Entry ID Entry Name
1195.003 Supply Chain Compromise: Compromise Hardware Supply Chain

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