CAPEC-448 Embed Virus into DLL


CAPEC-448 Metadata

Likelihood of Attack


Typical Severity




An adversary tampers with a DLL and embeds a computer virus into gaps between legitimate machine instructions. These gaps may be the result of compiler optimizations that pad memory blocks for performance gains. The embedded virus then attempts to infect any machine which interfaces with the product, and possibly steal private data or eavesdrop.


Access to the software currently deployed at a victim location. This access is often obtained by leveraging another attack pattern to gain permissions that the adversary wouldn't normally have.

Potential Solutions / Mitigations

Leverage anti-virus products to detect and quarantine software with known virus.

Related Weaknesses (CWE)

CWE ID Description
CWE-506 Embedded Malicious Code

Related CAPECs

CAPEC ID Description
CAPEC-442 An adversary adds malicious logic, often in the form of a computer virus, to otherwise benign software. This logic is often hidden from the user of the software and works behind the scenes to achieve negative impacts. Many times, the malicious logic is inserted into empty space between legitimate code, and is then called when the software is executed. This pattern of attack focuses on software already fielded and used in operation as opposed to software that is still under development and part of the supply chain.

Taxonomy Mappings

Taxonomy: ATTACK

Entry ID Entry Name
1027.009 Obfuscated Files or Information: Embedded Payloads

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